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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Wild Haven located?

For the 2024-2025 school year, Wild Haven will be located at 13798 Parkwood Drive in Burnsville, MN. (South Metro Vineyard Church)


What is a Microschool?

It's a one-room schoolhouse with multi-aged children learning together. Typically educating 15-30 students with 1-2 teachers. While each microschool operates differently, Wild Haven is a beautiful balance between private school and homeschool co-op. 

How can one teacher teach multiple grade levels at the same time?

Wild Haven has two full-time teachers who will teach students based on their level of understanding in every subject and allow them to move at their own pace. Students will learn in small groups or one-on-one with a teacher. There may be a little time for whole-group learning but typically students are getting more attention when working independently or collaboratively. In fact, teacher-student ratio will be 1:12. At times, older students may be helping younger students which offers a family-style of learning. There are other times when students may be grouped for lower elementary level or upper elementary level learning. We will also provide opportunities for student-led research and presentations. We are excited to offer moments of "gameschooling" to connect real-life to educational concepts. While some students are playing a learning game, others may be working with a teacher or independently.

Do you offer before and after-school care?

YES, we offer before care (8-9 am) and afterschool care (2:30-4:30 pm). We are happy to give you more information about that.

How flexible is the school day? Can my child attend 2 or 3 days a week?

We do not have attendance requirements. You have full flexibility to decide how often or little you want your child to attend our microschool. Our tuition, however, is fixed. We believe we are offering an affordable option with a tailored education for your child. Since you are homeschool parents, you can decide when you want your child to miss days at Wild Haven and we support your decisions. Tuition will not be refunded for days your child does not come to school. 

Will my child have homework?

Wild Haven will not assign homework. As a "homeschool" family, you may decide to do additional learning with your child at home, however, we believe that elementary students need more play for development and less "work". Thanks to low teacher to student ratios and individualized learning, time on task is very efficient. We have adapted a philosophy similar to Finland, and believe students need time after school for family and many other experiences. (especially at the younger ages)



Do we have to be a homeschool family to enroll/attend?

No, you do not have to currently be a homeschooling family, however, you will need to register as homeschooling in your district. We can help you with that process. It's fairly simple. There are several reasons for this and we can discuss these more with you when we connect.




Will we as parents need to do any instruction/teaching at home?

No. However, you are more than welcome to offer additional teaching at home. We encourage reading with your children whenever possible. Wild Haven is a comprehensive experience, teaching every subject throughout the year. 




What kind of specialist classes do you offer?

  • Our Spanish teacher Gabriella Johnson will give lessons every Wednesday.

  • Jon and Jodea provide plenty of outdoor activities including organized games (physical education).

  • We have a children's pastor who will come twice a month to do biblical studies.

  • Art and Music are a part of our Nature curriculum. 




"Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."

Proverbs 22:6

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